The DEADLINE to enter items is normally
the Friday before Drop Off weekend.
For Fall 2024 the deadline is Friday, October 4 at 11:59pm.
Dropping Off Your Items at Pass It On
Saturday, October 5, 9am-9pm
Sunday, October 6, 9am-9pm
Map showing where to go will be provided once we secure a location.
Please note: Large item drop off is in a separate location from everything else. Please deliver your larger items to this entrance at the rolling garage door.
Please read ALL instructions below.

Everyone MUST have an appointment.
If you miss your appointment, you may drop off on Thursday 5-9pm during Restock. Normally we do not accept clothes, shoes, books, or bedding at this time but will make an exception if you have not dropped off anything yet. Or contact Kim about claiming a Wed morning hardship appointment; we have capacity to inspect 8-10 people on Wednesday morning 10am-noon, preference given to those who live over an hour away and those who experienced an emergency during drop off weekend. If something happens preventing your weekend drop off, reach out and we will help however we can.
There are 4 ways to Drop Off:
In Person Inspection
Everyone who is a new consignor on this sale or last sale MUST come inside and meet with an inspector.
- We want you to understand the way we do things and be right there to help if we need you to wipe down your toys, tape your bags, flip any hangers that are facing the wrong direction and so on. Therefore, all first timers need to attend their first 2 inspections.
- If you have already done 1 sale with us and feel like a pro, let our inspector confirm that you're doing everything right with an in person inspection. We appreciate you and want to make sure you have received good instructions from our web site, FB group, and friends and have not developed any bad habits in your short run with PIO.
- Everyone with a consignor number 4761 and higher will be directed to an inspector and asked to stick around while we look over your items so please plan on staying a while.
- The only exception is if a newer consignor has made the 80% Club, they do not need to be inspected and have earned the opportunity to skip inspection and put their items into bins or onto the sales floor.
- Please schedule your drop off for a time when you can spend at least an hour going through the process with us.
- The drop off appointment times are windows of 15 minute increments. That is the approximate window of time during which you should arrive. If you aim for the start of that window and run a little late, you should still hit the end of that time and keep our schedule on track.
- It doesn't matter if you drop off large items first or last. If they are buried deep in your vehicle, you should do the main items first and circle back to the large item inspection area later.
- Check in with our Curbside Director.
- Let our curbside people help unload your items onto a cart and/or clothing rack. They will get your items to an inspector or in line while you park.
- Wait for an inspector and follow their instructions.
Drop & Donate All
Drop off and GO! You don't need to return because ALL of your items are marked DONATE.
- Available all day Saturday and Sunday until 5pm.
- We do ask that you make an appointment for a 4-hour range of time when you expect to deliver your items.
- Check in with our Curbside Director.
- Tell them your items are DONATE ALL and they will tell you where to go.
- Large items will need to be inspected before you can leave so please wait for confirmation.
- All tags must be marked to donate (all tags have a black dot).
- Unaccepted items will be donated and you will not get a report.
- All items that don't sell will be on your Donation Report (including unaccepted items).
- Not available for first time consignors. We want you to learn what could be improved.

Drop & Text (Plan to Return Later for Any Rejects)
Drop off at the curb and wait for a text or call then return to collect any items that did not pass inspection. This option is available for a cost as we have discovered this creates a lot more work on our end.
- Available all day Saturday ONLY.
- Make an appointment for a 4-hour range of time when you expect to deliver your items.
- If you drop off after 5pm, your items may not be ready until Sunday. You will get a text when your inspection is done.
- Check in with our Curbside Director.
- Wait to make sure large items are accepted. If we can't accept it, you will need to take it home. If your item needs batteries or a cleaning, you can fix it at home and bring it back later (when you return for your other rejects). We won't store your unsellable items.
- When you return to pick up your non-passing items, park in front of the building and talk to our Curbside Director.
- If you want to know why some of your items were rejected, ask for a consultation.
80% Club Members Skip Inspection
Those who sell at least 80% of your items at one sale may skip inspection at the next sale! Click this button to see who gets to SKIP INSPECTION and have all of their items put straight out!
- Park near the front door and check in with our Curbside Director and turn in your consignor agreement.
- Wait for instructions and possible use of carts and racks.
- Go inside and put your toys in the Toy bin, baby essentials in the Baby bin, and so on. Clothes go onto racks by size. Shoes go into shoe boxes by size. If you have questions where something goes, ask a volunteer.
- Most people are done in 20-30 minutes if they don't have large items.
- Please DO have large items inspected and given claim tags. Let workers in that area put those items onto the sales floor. Wait for confirmation that your large items have been accepted before leaving.
Drop Off Instructions
Please be patient as everyone you will encounter working this sale is a volunteer. We only do this sale twice a year and not everyone has worked with us before. They may not know all the answers but will find an answer for you.
Please have your clothing items sorted by gender and size. Rubber band sizes together at the top of the hangers. All hangers must face left. This speeds things up for our inspectors.
Double check all items have tags. Every item must have a tag with a clearly printed bar code and unique item number. If an item does not have a tag, ideally it will be returned to you by our inspector, but if it gets onto the sales floor we have no way of knowing who it belongs to. If someone wants to buy it we will try to look in the system to see if we can locate the item (this is where good descriptions help!) and if we do we print the tag and sell it. If we cannot find a tag it will most likely get donated.
Make sure all tires are inflated. This applies to bikes, trikes, scoot bikes, trailers, strollers, some wagons, anything with inflatable tires. Make sure your tires hold air overnight or you may need to replace a tube before coming to drop off. If a tire goes flat during the sale, that item will be pulled off the sales floor.
Don't be in a hurry. Allow yourself at least 30 minutes to complete the drop off process. If you need to assemble anything, that will take more time so plan accordingly.
Plan to assemble furniture or bring it put together. Items sell better if shoppers can see how they look fully built. It's easier to imagine that item in use in their home or if it fits in a certain space. It also ensures (you and them) that all pieces are included. We rent large buildings to have the space to display these items fully built!
Do not attach tags to large items. Hand the tags to the Large Items Inspector and they will attach your tags to a large item claim tag that gets attached to your item. If your large item does not qualify for a claim tag, you can attach it on site. If you prefer to attach tags so you don't lose them, please us painter's tape or tagging gun barb if there is fabric you can attach to.
Bring your things in a cardboard box that you can leave with us (totally optional but much appreciated!). It's too time consuming to store bins for every seller and then try to locate the exact bin for each pile. We use the cardboard boxes you bring us for displays, smaller ones for shoppers to take home heavy or breakable items, and all sizes are used to sort items at the end of the sale for those who plan to pick up. Do not write your number on the box as you won't get the same one back at pick up.
If some of your items are not accepted but could be fixed, you will be told why and given an opportunity to rehang clothes, clean toys or equipment, print new tags, install batteries, etc. and may choose to take things home to fix and bring back later (during Restock Thurs night 5-9pm).
Please do not be offended if some of your items are rejected. We run a high quality sale and therefore need to reject some things in order to maintain that high quality. We will give you a reason and you can take those items home or you might donate on the spot. If you do Drop & Go you accept the risk that some of your items may not be accepted to the sale and those will be immediately donated.
If you cannot make it to drop off, ask a friend to drop your stuff off for you. Get a trusted friend to sign up to consign and ask her to drop your stuff off with hers. Offer to pick up for her at the end! Several moms have worked this out with great success, sometimes watching each other's kids in trade! Be resourceful!
Click below to schedule your Drop Off Appointment (must be registered).
- Appointments are scheduled in 15 minute increments. This is your arrival time.
- Arrive any time during that 15 minute window and get in line.
- Appointments can also be made when logged in to your Consignor Homepage.

Second Wave Drop Off and Restock Options
For consignors who live more than an hour away and those who miss their weekend Drop Off Appointment, we have additional times to accept your items! We've always had this but now you can choose a Wed appt online instead of a weekend spot. Once inventory closes you will need to email for a Wednesday spot, but before that, you can sign yourself up.
Wednesday, October 9, 10am-12pm
By appointment and permission from Kim
Everyone is invited to enter more items and bring things to our Restock night on Thursday. Dig up a few more items and help us promote a second wave where we claim to RESTOCK the sales floor to our Friday shoppers! No appointment necessary.
Thursday, October 10, 5-9pm
Open for anyone currently registered!
Must be registered for the current sale.
Bring large toys, furniture, large and small baby gear, bikes, and outdoor toys.
No clothes, shoes, bedding, or books.
Tags must be printed by midnight the night before you drop off. At least save your tags as a PDF file if you can't print right away. The act of printing the tags is what triggers your items to be put into a RESTOCK FILE that we can download which is needed in order to sell your items. If you drop off on Wednesday and print the tags at 10am, we are already at the building with no wifi and if we put your items out and they get to a checkout, our cashiers will encounter an error as your item is NOT in the system. This holds up the line and makes more work for us so please just print your tags the night before the day you drop off!
Restock Drop Off is held in the back of the building at the Hold Area.
If dropping off for the first time during Wednesday Second Wave or Thursday Restock, bring your consignor agreement filled out and message us if a larger amount of items are coming in (over 200) so we can be prepared.
Thursday Restock items are held in a private area and put out after we close so Friday morning shoppers get first crack at the new items. We like to advertise these items on Facebook to entice new shoppers to come in. So if you forgot to enter something... get it in during Restock!
Tips for a smooth Drop Off process
Next Step...
We appreciate how most of our consignors take pride in helping the sale be a huge success for everyone. It takes many people working together to pull this off and we'd love to have you on our team. Thanks in advance for giving back to the community!