Join the Pass It On Team
Our event relies on many hands to make it happen. We need help with all kinds of things from inspecting and organizing incoming items to helping customers find what they're looking for during the sale. Our consignors know this is a quality family event we organize for the community and they are happy to get involved and give of their time by taking a shift at the sale.
We reward our hard working team by giving them first pick of the goods! You also earn a higher percentage of your sales the more you help out. We couldn't do it without you!
Less crowded shopping, no screaming kids, faster checkout lines, and private shopping with your PIO BFFs! Best chance to get the best deals on whatever you're looking for.

Presale Shopping Schedule
Our ONLINE SALE Presale is on Thursday, December 5 at 10am for all volunteers.
Shop from the comfort of your home, work, car, or wherever you may be!
This sale is short so shifts are limited to 1 per person.
Therefore our special presale kicks off with the earliest shopping for all volunteers at 10am.
The shopping site will be locked and a password will be emailed to you within 30 minutes of your shopping time.

Notes about Team Shifts
Consignors can select shifts by logging into your Consignor Homepage.
The Schedule goes online Monday, November 25 at 8pm.
The deadline to add or drop a shift is Friday, December 6.
Add and remove yourself from shifts online before the deadline. If you know you need to cancel a shift, please do so as soon as you can so someone else can fill it. Cancelling minutes before the deadline only leaves us with open shifts and less people to do the work needed. After the deadline, we expect to see you at your chosen shifts!
Shifts are 4 hours long. Please arrive on time and stay the whole time. We do allow short breaks as needed and have light snacks in our break room. If an emergency arises and you need to leave during your shift, please talk to a team lead or sale owner so we know what's going on.
Each shift has multiple types of jobs available. You can choose the type of job you would like to do on our online volunteer sign up schedule.
Children are NOT allowed to tag along during your shift.
Shift must be completed by the registered Consignor or their spouse or their offspring age 15 or older.
The maximum number of shifts 1 consignor may sign up for on their own is 1 (for online sales ONLY, normally it's 3). Choose any open shift available on the schedule.
Team Member Orientation
Familiarize yourself with the different job duties to help you choose a shift and know what is expected of you during that shift.
Team Member Guidelines
Here are some helpful things to know to have a successful experience. Learn the ropes or review what is expected during your shift.
Team Member Shift Policy
Please read the page before signing up for a shift. We hope everyone can find a shift to fill and takes the responsibility seriously.

I want to do my part at the sale!
Take me to the Team Schedule so I can choose my shift!