80% Club Members
CONGRATS Spring Sellers!
To qualify for the perks below, you must have at least 100 items in your active inventory and sell 80% or more of those items.
The sellers on this list get to SKIP inspection for Fall 2024!
You also qualify to have your item limit raised to 400 items. Way to go! Message Kim if you would like to enter up to 400 items. All consignors are set to a default of 300, so you'll need an override, but I am happy to do it for those in this club.
Starting in Spring 2024 we are now also awarding you with an HOUR earlier presale shopping time! If you have no shifts shopping starts at 3pm, but we moved the consignors with no shifts back to 4pm so you are getting in an hour before those not in the club. If you have any team shifts, you can now get in earlier than whatever time matches your number of shifts. (For 1 shift you qualify to shop at 1pm, but as a club member you can get in at noon!) Please be patient with our Greeter who will need to verify that while you are standing there at noon, you are on the 1pm list as well as the 80% Club list.
NEW FOR FALL... NO drop off appointment required for 80% Club!
- Friday, October 4 is an option! We'll be there 11am-7pm for tagging service drop off and will accept 80% Clubbers' items too, but you will be asked to get your items to the right place on the sales floor, just follow the instructions we give you when you get there.
- Saturday, April 6 come anytime 9am-9pm. Put your items in the yellow sorting bins, clothes on racks by size. Ask if you need help.
- Sunday, April 7 come anytime 9am-7pm. After 7 you will need to put your items onto the sales floor, not in bins.
At drop off, park and walk in. Please notify our curbside director at Drop Off that you are on this list so they know what you are doing. They will verify that your number is on this list, take your signed consignor agreement, and your items will bypass inspection and get put straight onto the sales floor.
You do still need to turn in a Consignor Agreement with our curbside attendant before you unload. Because we already have 2 different places for consignor items to go (one line for those who want their rejects back and the other for those who have marked all items to donate), we really don't have space for a third different type of line. Also it doesn't need to wait! It can be put right out! So we will ask you to put your items directly into the bins marked TOYS, BABY, HOME, and shoes will go into boxes by size. You will rack your clothes by size as directed and hand it over to a merchandiser. Then you are done and free to go.
You don't need to walk all around the sales floor to find where exactly to place your Avent bottles, Dr Seuss books, or crib bedding, and so on. Let our merchandisers handle that, just sort your items so they are heading to the right area and we'll do the rest. If you want to hang out and sort bottles, books, or bedding, sign up for a merchandising shift! You'll keep an additional 5% of your sales for being part of the crew!
If you have large items, pull up to the back door and unload those there so we can put a large item claim tag on those. Please stay and verify your items are all accepted just in case there are any issues. Thank you for saving our inspectors' time! We don't want to spend time looking at all of your items if most of them are going to sell, and you are saving TIME by not having to wait in line or wait for an inspector to look at all of your items. Please continue to bring quality items priced right and as long as you sell 80% or more you will be on this list.
Those marked with a * are REPEAT club members! These are our ROCKSTAR sellers!
29* |
1114* |
1762* |
1788* |
2353* |
2484* |
2495* |
2848 |
2889* |
2999* |
3143* |
3163* |
3194* |
3213* |
3216* |
3236* |
3330* |
3337* |
3471^ |
3465* |
3530* |
3543 |
3570* |
3572^ |
3592 |
3631* |
3773 |
3780* |
3790* |
3828^ |
3871* |
3885* |
3898* |
3901 |
3922 |
3949 |
3960* |
3975* |
4007* |
4012* |
4038* |
4095* |
4135 |
4138* |
4144* |
4152* |
4229* |
4238* |
4253* |
4298* |
4313 |
4346* |
4379 |
4381* |
4384* |
4448* |
4494* |
4536 |
4595 |
4496 |
4609* |
4633* |
4644 |
4686 |
4692 |
4744 |
4821 |
4839 |
4857 |
4863 |
4866 |
When you bring quality items priced right, you could be like this mom who came to pick up and only had THREE items leftover! Most people would probably not show up and donate the last 3 items but she hadn't checked online and wasn't sure what was left so we snapped a photo to celebrate how well she did.

Next Step...
We appreciate how most of our consignors take pride in helping the sale be a huge success for everyone. It takes many people working together to pull this off and we'd love to have you on our team. Thanks in advance for giving back to the community!