Wish List Presale shopping is
Wednesday, October 4, at 4pm
AND at Volunteer Appreciation Half Price Sale
on Saturday night of sale week, 6-9pm!!!
What Is the Wish List?
Pass It On is an awesome thing. It was meant to be inclusive not exclusionary. We found out that some people don't have anything to consign or they are too busy to squeeze in a volunteer shift or they don't have anyone to watch their kids so they can come work for us BUT they really want to shop early! Essentially they like our mission and they want to help out. Our Wish List gives them a way to help the sale as part of the support team!
How it Works
In a nutshell, we make a list of our needs and some people fill them. This is totally voluntary. All you get is a nice warm feeling that you helped the sale in a small but not insignificant way AND a very valuable pass to shop the Presale before we open to the public! That's it! Everyone wins!
Why It Works
The math is simple. If you want to shop the presale, you could buy a ticket to the VIP Presale which costs $15 per person and starts on Thursday morning at 10am, you could consign which costs $16, involves some work, but does get you AND your spouse in at 3pm, or you could spend $25 on a Wish List item, thus becoming part of our valued support team, and you shop at 4pm on Wednesday. This also gets your spouse or teenager in under 1 ticket since that's our policy for team members and we consider Wish List Providers one level of our support team! (If you want to shop with your spouse or parent, this is the way to go vs buying 2 passes to the 10am presale as you get in 4 hours earlier!)
Option 1: Provide Snacks or Supplies
The Wish List currently contains a list of gift cards we would like to have so we can purchase food for ourselves (the owners) and our team lead volunteers who work so hard to put on this sale for our community. The list has places we frequent and a few other places that may be specific to the location our sale is near.
Thank you for thinking of us!
Option 2: Provide a Meal
Our Team works really hard to put on this sale and some of us (mainly Kim) forget to eat unless someone else is in charge of feeding us. The meal option is for those who like to cook and would like to help the sale effort and shop the Presale but don't have anything to consign or just didn't get it together this time. You can still be part of our team in this very appreciated support way!
Bring a complete meal that feeds about 4-5 people with an entrée, side dish, and dessert. About half of our team eats gluten-free, so please be thoughtful.
Please contact use directly if you would like to provide a meal as we may or may not have a need for meals each sale, but it never hurts to ask if you like to provide this type of service, for many people food is love.
This shift is meant for NON-Consignors. Any Consignor who wishes to bring an item on our Wish List must be aware that it will not count towards earning a higher % of your sales, however it WILL get bumped up to the next earlier shopping time.
Thank you all for your help in getting our Wish List filled!