Pass It On Holiday Fair Terms and Guidelines
These guidelines were developed to clarify details and make the event a success for everyone. Please fill out the form below and we will reply once we've had time to review your photos, usually 2-3 days. If you have questions, email Kim Zerbe at [email protected] or message the PIO page on Facebook.
Vendor Booth Details:
1. Applications are open to handmade crafters, bakers, authors, and other makers. We may accept 1 or 2 vendors who do not have handmade items if we feel it would be a good fit. We do appreciate you having at least some Valentine's themed merchandise but this is NOT a requirement. Feel free to bring whatever you think will sell. This close to Valentine's Day people will be looking for jewelry, candy and baked treats, small fun things for young kids, and romantic things for lovers.
2. One vendor per category unless the products are determined to be different enough to support multiples. For example, there are some really great jewelry makers out there and we want to support as many independent creators as we can, so we will allow several jewelry vendors if their styles are different, but our goal is also overall variety.
3. Fill out the form below and we will contact you via email as soon as possible.
4. Be prepared to pay to reserve your spot. If you are accepted, your spot is held and you have 3 days (72 hours from acceptance email) to pay in full. After 3 days and no communication your spot is not held and could be filled by someone else. Zelle is our preferred method of receiving payments, so see if your bank offers Zelle. We will also accept cash or check and check must clear prior to setup. Bounced checks are subject to a $35 fee and payment must be completed in order to hold your spot.
5. Cost covers 1 spot for both days. There is no option to have a booth for 1 day at the event.
6. If you did not pay for electricity, you will not have electricity in your booth. There are only a couple of spots in the building with power outlets. If you need to charge your phone, bring a charged up power brick or make friends with a neighbor who paid for electricity at their booth.
7. Vendors may set up your booth space on Friday, February 9, 5pm-9pm. Please don't arrive early as we will be sorting online sales until late and may need to use some of the vendor spaces to do it. We would like most of the vendors set up on Friday but if you are coming from further away, let us know that you would like to set up on Saturday 9-10am. We will be there at 9am for any vendor who wants more time to set up.
8. Vendors agree not to obstruct traffic or aisles during the event and take reasonable care setting up and tearing down your space. Stay within your space boundaries (marked on floor). No part of your display or signage can extend outside your space.
9. Tables and chairs are not provided so plan to bring whatever you need. No signs are provided. Bring your own signage for your business and have clear signs for your product prices. We do not provide trash service. Please bring your own garbage collection bin and take your trash home with you or drop it off at a dumpster outside.
10. Pass It On Sales, LLC shall not be liable for any damage or expense incurred by vendors in the event that the sale is delayed, interrupted, or not held as scheduled due to any reason beyond our control.
11. Once payment has been submitted and vendor spot secured, all payments are final and non-refundable.
12. Vendors are solely responsible for your items supervised or unsupervised. Pass It On cannot guarantee the security of any items left unattended and will not be held responsible, financially or otherwise, for any theft or damage to any articles you brought to the event.
13. Pass It On Sales, LLC and its participants, volunteers, and other vendors shall not be held responsible for any injury that may occur for any cause whatsoever to the vendor or any individual participating in the vendor’s space. Vendor expressly releases Pass It On Sales, LLC from any and all loss, damages, and injuries.
14. Parking is limited at this location. It's fine to pull up close and unload at the curb, but during the sale Vendors please park cars in the parking garage or back lot, further away from the building to leave the front spaces available for shoppers. Please be considerate and think about the shoppers you want to have access to your stuff.
15. Vendors must be at their booths when the event opens at 10am Saturday (our busiest times have typically been Sat 10-2 and Sun 1-4) and cannot leave early or begin teardown until 4pm on Sunday. All vendors will staff their booths for all hours the fair is open. (It's ok to ask a neighbor or one of our staff to watch your booth while you run to the bathroom, but Pass It On is not responsible for any loss or theft so make good decisions.) Not manning your booth or early teardown may result in your exclusion from future events.
16. All vendors should have enough product for the duration of the event. Plan ahead and have a way to take orders if you run out of product.
17. Be mindful of smells and sounds that drift into the booths of your neighbors. If one booth is causing someone grief and we need to swap vendors, the one causing the grief will be the one moving to a new spot.
18. There will be no guaranteed wifi in the building so have a method to accept payment that does not rely on having wifi. (At this location there is good wifi at Killer Burger!)
19. Please submit 1 item worth at least $15 for our random prize drawings. All attendees will get a ticket for the drawing. We hand out raffle cards at the door that ask shoppers to visit 5 vendors and get the card signed, stamped, or punched, then they can enter a drawing to win a basket of prizes. It forces people to walk around and interact with our vendors, this is our way of drawing customers to your booth! Use this opportunity to talk about your products!
20. All vendors agree to share the Holiday Fair event on your business and/or personal social media pages to help promote attendance. Offer to have clients pick up their orders at the market. More shoppers helps everyone. Share our Facebook Event on your page and invite at least 10 individuals to the event.
BONUS! All Vendors may consign for FREE in our online sale! (Save $10) Just let us know that you will be consigning and we will register your consignor number for free once you pay your vendor fee.
Please fill out the form below and hit submit. We will contact you regarding how to submit payment once we confirm availability and that your application has been accepted.