Pass It On's Sweetheart Market has been cancelled.
We deeply regret that we could not find a suitable replacement location on short notice when we lost our venue. We look forward to doing more vendor markets when we are able to host them.
The rest of this page is holding our information for when we are able to host markets again.
Over the first weekend of February we are hosting an ONLINE sale where people can shop from home and the sellers will only need to drop off the items that sold. Buyers will come the following weekend to pick up the items they purchased, and they will be a captive audience for a room full of vendor booths! Of course everyone in the entire community and beyond is invited to attend the Vendor Fair and we hope they do! We just happen to be combining this with our online sale which will definitely boost attendance.
Our goal for hosting any vendor fair is to showcase the hidden talents of artists and makers in Hillsboro and all across the greater metro area (whoever is drawn to join) and to help you sell your creations to a broad audience. Maybe you have an online store and that's great but there's something about being able to see and touch and smell certain things that appeals to people and makes them want to buy things. We believe people WANT to buy things from artists and makers, either to give as gifts or keep for themselves. We also believe it has to be easy or they will default to a big box store or online shopping with free delivery to their home. So we will assemble as many artists, as we can accommodate in our space and invite EVERYONE to come in and SHOP.
On our social media outlets we will be promoting the concept of shopping local, supporting local artists, and buying things from your neighbors and makers instead of Amazon or a faceless company. Anyone is welcome to apply, however, we will only be accepting one vendor per category (except jewelry and bakers since there is such diversity in medium and style we will allow several of those), so if you are interested please get your application in ASAP.

Promote Yourself and Your Business
Typically we only have space for a small number of vendors at our consignment sales. One goal of this event is to give a platform to MORE makers and artists! And because we already have a huge audience of people who will shop our online sale, we decided to bring our shoppers together one more time this year and help you promote your business too!
Our marketing opportunities include:
→ Your BOOTH where you can meet people face to face
→ Your products will be featured on our Facebook and Instagram
At our Holiday Fair you may display your products however you wish (as long as it is done safely and does not impede on anyone else's space). A map will be at the Greeter station near the entrance and the Greeter will help anyone looking for a particular type of item to find that item.
We are seeking to assemble a fantastic collection of unique holiday gifts and create a memorable event shoppers will look forward to year after year. Many of us WANT to give homemade gifts with a story. Set up your booth, tell your story, and connect with people. This is our third year and we are hearing from lots of talented people that they are looking for vending opportunities, so we could fill up. Please apply early if you want a spot.

Booth sizes and costs:
1 table or approx 6x6 space — $80
2 tables or approx 8x8 space — $100 (standard space)
3+ tables or approx 10x10 or 9x12 space — $150
Available extras:
Rent a 6ft table — $10 each
Electricity at your booth — $20
What is included:
- One space at the event for 2 days (you supply tables, chairs, and whatever else you need)
- Facebook posts on our page (8000+ fans) before the event, highlighting your business and letting people know you will be there.
- Vendors confirmed by February 1 will get the password for early access shopping at our Online presale event Friday, February 2 at 4pm (This has a $5 value! We sell tickets to this time slot for $5.) Online sale opens to the public Saturday, February 3 at 10am with no password required; promote that time to your base.
- Ad below may be used to promote the market to your fan base

Ready to sign up?
Click here to fill out the application to be a vendor at our Sweetheart Market.