Pricing Guidelines
How to Determine Prices
Pricing can be tricky. You want your stuff to sell but you don’t want to wonder later if you should have priced it differently (to make more money or get rid of more stuff).
Here are some things to keep in mind:
1. Above all, PRICE TO SELL! There’s nothing more rewarding than cleaning out your closets AND making money at the same time!
2. Let things go for HALF PRICE! It’s better to get 50% and clean out your closets than to get things back that you don’t need. Don’t forget, if you plan to donate your unsold items you must also be willing to sell them for half price. Cash in your pocket is better than a tax deduction you may or may not remember to take.
3. A good rule-of-thumb is to price your items around 25% to 33% of retail. This varies according to the brand of your items and the condition they are in. Pricing at seasonal consignment sales is somewhere between garage sale prices and resale consignment stores.
Here are some examples of typical clothing prices at our sales:
Keep in mind we do have a minimum of $3 minimum price. When considering 25-33% of retail, there's no reason for a single item of clothing to be priced below $3.
- $3-6 for baby outfits, sleepers, rompers, dresses etc.
- $4-7 for play/casual shirts, shorts, etc. (remember no stains or holes!)
- $4-9 for nicer shirts, shorts, pants
- $5-9 for pajama sets or nightgowns
- $5-25+ for shoes, with baby shoes on the low end
- $7-20 for jeans or overalls, light jackets
- $8-20 for nice 2-piece outfits, sweaters
- $9-30 for nice dresses, suits, multiple-piece sets
- $10-50 for heavy jackets, snow suits, fancy dresses
These are examples for more common brands, such as Carters, Gymboree, Osh Kosh, Old Navy, GAP, etc. Boutique and European brands such as Hanna Andersson, Baby Lulu, Janie & Jack, Zutano, Oilily, Mini Boden, Matilda Jane, etc. could be priced a little higher (based on initial retail being higher).
- $4-7 for casual shirts, shorts, nightshirts
- $5-9 for nicer shirts, shorts, skirts
- $6-15 for jeans, pants, dresses
- $8-20 for work pants, blazers, sweaters
- $10-30 for swimsuits, multiple-piece sets, coats
Again, prices vary by brand name. In Due Time is on the lower end of quality brands with Mimi Maternity on the higher end. Always sell sets together.
Pricing on equipment varies a bit more than clothes, mainly depending on the quality of the items and the condition they are in. There is a wide range of prices on the retail end based on quality and name brand. For equipment, you can use 25% to 50% as a guide. Some things sell a little higher (up to half of retail) if they are barely used and in high demand.
Here are some examples of typical equipment and other prices:
- Stroller prices vary greatly based on style, features, and overall condition. Most strollers (excluding umbrella strollers) typically range between $60-100, with double strollers $80-200, and we have sold high end brands for as much as $500 (with all sorts of accessories)
- Umbrella Strollers: $8-15
- Bouncy Seats: $10-30
- Walkers, Excersaucers, Jumperoos: $15-60
- High Chairs: $15-95, wide range of quality
- Play Gyms & Mats: $10-40
- Swings: $30-150, less for travel swings, more for standing models, most for swivels
- Baby Wearing: Slings & Wraps: $15-40; Ergo style: $40-80; Hard Frames: $50-150
- Playards, Bassinets, Co-sleepers: $40-200
- Cribs: $50-300, wide range dependent on style, condition, original cost
- Boppy & nursing pillows: $10-25
- Gliders, Rockers: $50-150
- DVDs: $3 with reduce, BluRays: $4-8, any Series $5-10
This is only a guide. Everyone is free to price items higher or lower than the average range. If you know the retail price you paid (or someone else paid if it was a gift), put that on your tag. People who have been shopping for similar items new will recognize a good deal when they see it! Shoppers now can pull out their phones and look up current retail, so price competitively!
Above all, consider what YOU would pay for it if you were in the market to buy it. The idea IS to sell it and get rid of it. When you're pricing your inventory, think about the times you've known the feeling of getting a really good deal at the sale, and pass it on!