Please READ before signing up for a shift

In order to achieve a high quality event, we rely on a sufficient number of participants to sign up for shifts, show up for their shifts, and do different duties as needed. Please thoughtfully consider the commitment before you sign up for a shift. If you know you cannot make it, cancel as soon as you know this. When you cancel at the last minute, the sale is left shorthanded and not able to handle traffic and sales as we need to. Positions are limited and you could be taking a spot someone else would have gladly filled. Thank you for your consideration.

All volunteers must agree to the following guidelines.

  • Each shift is 4 hours long. All team members must be on time and work your entire shift to reap the benefits of this level of participation. Plan to eat meals before or after your shift. If you need to take more than a 5 minute break during your shift, please talk to our Team Member Coordinator or Manager about taking a longer break and making up the lost time at the end of your shift or if necessary on another day.
  • While you may sign up for a specific job duty, we may need to redistribute our team members to do different jobs. All team members agree to do whatever task is asked of you by a Pass It On owner, Team Member Coordinator, or Lead of the Sales Floor. Or let us know if you physically cannot do certain tasks and we will work with that.
  • Team members may NOT bring children with you during your shift. The only exception is moms with a nursing baby. You must wear your baby and sign up for Greeter spots ONLY. Anyone who shows up for a shift with a child in tow will be sent home.
  • Team members can cancel shifts online up until the deadline, which is midnight before the first scheduled shift. If you find it necessary to cancel or reschedule a shift, please do so as soon as possible before this deadline. There is no penalty for dropping shifts before the deadline.
  • Team members who do not follow through with your commitment will be put on our Prohibited List and banned from participating at this level in future sales and Pass It On will deduct $40 from your final check for EACH shift missed. Please don't sign up for more shifts than you know you can handle. We are counting on you.
  • After the deadline, team members who cannot make it to a scheduled shift should call or text Kim at 503-512-0420 as soon as possible to discuss your options. When texting, provide your name and consignor number. Your options are:
    1. Send a replacement on your behalf. If your spouse or teenaged child (age 15+) fulfills your obligation, you will still receive the team member bonus earnings percentage and will not be banned from volunteering at future events.
    2. Switch to a different available shift.  Shift availability may be limited, but if you can switch to another shift we have open and fulfill that entire shift, you will still receive the full team member bonus earnings percentage and will not be banned from taking shifts at future events.
    3. Pay the penalty. The fine will be on your Seller Report and you will be banned from selecting shifts at future sales.