Join the Pass It On Team

Our event relies on many hands to make it happen. We need help with all kinds of things from inspecting and organizing incoming items to helping customers find what they're looking for during the sale. Our consignors know this is a quality family event we organize for the community and they are happy to get involved and lend a hand during the sale.

A teammate's participation level determines the rate of commission paid to PIO for the selling services we provide. Consignors who don't find time to help get to keep 60% of their sales while team members keep more of their sales (up to 80%) which means they pay PIO less. The more you help, the more you keep!

We also reward our hard working team by giving them first pick of the goods! We couldn't do it without you so of course you get to shop before those who don't help out! Less crowded shopping, no screaming kids, faster checkout lines, and private shopping with your PIO BFFs! Best chance to get the best deals on whatever you're looking for.


Presale Shopping Schedule

Our Presale is on Wednesday, April 9.

  • Each consignor may bring your immediate household family members to shop with you.
  • Your guest(s) can be your spouse, your parent or grandparent, and/or your own teen or adult child.
  • No sisters, friends, cousins, or neighbors. Tell them to consign! Or they can shop another day.
  • NO KIDS under 12 admitted on this day.
  • Newborn (and non-walking) infants are ok if worn.
  • No strollers admitted on this day.

10am Presale for 4 & 5 shift team

5 shift volunteers earn 80% of their sales
4 shift volunteers earn 75% of their sales

11am Presale for 3 shift team

3 shift volunteers earn 75% of their sales

12pm Presale for 2 shift team

2 shift volunteers earn 70% of their sales

1pm Presale for 1 shift team

1 shift volunteers earn 65% of their sales

2pm Presale for Share Squad

Help spread the word and shop early! Sign up on FB.

3pm Presale for 80% Club & Sellers who Donate ALL

Special perk for those who sold 80% or more at the last sale
and those who mark all items to donate (your # will be on a list).

4pm Presale for Consignors with No shifts

Consignors with no shifts keep 60% of their sales

5pm Presale for Friends of Sellers

Consignors can invite friends who are pregnant or have a new baby!

6pm Contest Winners!

Watch FB for chances to win passes!

Doors Close at 8pm

Registers are open until 9pm or later if needed.


Notes about Team Shifts

Consignors can select shifts by logging into your Consignor Homepage.

The Schedule goes online Monday, March 17 at 8pm. Be online at that time because certain shifts fill fast. Sometimes we have 50% of our schedule filled by 10pm and 75% by midnight. By the next morning there may not be much to choose from.

The deadline to add or drop a shift is Tuesday, April 1 at midnight. After then, we expect to see you for the shifts you are signed up for. 

Add and remove yourself from shifts online before the deadline. If you know you need to cancel a shift, please do so as soon as you can so someone else can fill it. Cancelling minutes before the deadline only leaves us with open shifts and less people to do the work needed. After the deadline, we expect to see you at your chosen shifts!

Non-consignors are not eligible to be on the team, except by fulfilling something on our Wish List, so be sure to check out that option! It's also fairly easy to consign! Just enter and bring 25 items or $200 worth of items!

Shifts are 4 hours long. Please arrive on time and stay the whole time. We do allow short breaks as needed and have light snacks in our break room. If an emergency arises and you need to leave during your shift, please talk to a team lead or sale owner so we know what's going on. If possible you can make up the time later in the sale.

Each shift has multiple types of duties available. You can choose the type of task you would like to do on our online sign up schedule. For example, you decide you can work on Thursday morning 9:45am-1:45pm. You can choose between Merchandiser, Greeter, or Hold Area. Maybe your schedule is flexible, then just peruse the schedule and find an open shift that works for you.

Children are NOT allowed to tag along during your shift. Our one exception is the Greeter job. Babies (under 12mos, non-walking, who can tolerate being in a carrier for 4 hours) can be worn (no strollers) while doing this job. There are only 9 Greeter time slots, so if you want to bring your baby, grab one before they are full. As other spots fill up, people without babies will fill the Greeter spots so if you need one of those, snag it early. We will help coordinate nursing/feeding and diaper changing breaks for our Greeters with babies.

Shift must be completed by the registered Consignor or their spouse or their offspring age 15 or older.

Teenagers are some of our best helpers! We do allow kids who are 15 or older to get shift credit on their family's account. It is possible your younger child would be a great asset to our team, but we won't know until we see them in action. We welcome your responsible 10-14 year old to come for a trial shift. If they do well, we may offer shift credit on their future shifts. If they stick by your side and cannot complete tasks independently of you, that's not a good fit for our needs. Four hours is a long time for a kid and if your child would require your constant supervision (thus diminishing the job you would do), don't bring them. If your 15-18 year old (technically qualified by age to earn shift credit) or adult offspring would require constant supervision or doesn't want to be there, do not bring them.

The maximum number of shifts 1 consignor may sign up for on their own is 3. This is also the max number of shifts you can do if this is your first time consigning with us. Anyone doing 3 or less shifts can choose any open shift available on the schedule.

Consignors may sign up for 2 back to back shifts. However, since most shifts overlap to make shift transitions easier, please plan to add the overlapped time at the beginning or end of your shift. If you take a break to eat a meal, please also add that amount of time onto the end to complete 8 hours total.

Consignors who would like to help on 4 or more shifts must be approved to do so. Experience is required. We ask that you join one of our specialty teams (Inspecting, Cashiering, or Merchandising) for your first 3 shifts and your schedule MUST include 1 of the following (for 4th shift) or both a and b (for 5th shift):
a) Private Presale Wed mid day (after shopping at 10am, eat lunch then work 1-5pm or 3-7pm)
b) 1 Sort shift (several shifts to choose from on Sunday and Monday)


Team Appreciation Night!

Half Price Presale
Saturday of sale week, 6-9pm
Saturday, April 12, 6-9pm

  • All team members contributing at least 1 shift during the sale (including Share Squad!) are invited to shop our Half Price Presale on Saturday Night. We appreciate you and love to reward your hard work!
  • Public shopping ends at 5pm. We clear the shoppers out as soon as possible. Then we let our Team Leads (they work 8 shifts or more!) begin shopping at 5:30pm. Everyone else please line up at the front door. We open the door at 6pm and check your names off the list or if we gave you a pass you'd show it to us at that time.
  • Family members are welcome but please keep young kids by your side at all times.
  • Since all of our volunteers are shopping at this time, we don't have anyone running the Go Backs! If you decide you don't want something, put it back where it belongs.
  • We invite our vendors to remain open during this time so if you haven't had a chance to stop by and visit them, do that on Saturday night. Some offer half price or Team Appreciation specials!

Team Member Shift Policy

Please read this page before signing up for a shift. We hope everyone finds a shift to fill and takes the responsibility seriously.

Team Member Guidelines

Here are some helpful tips to have a successful experience. Learn the ropes or review what is expected during your shift.

Team Member Orientation

Familiarize yourself with the different job duties to help you choose a shift and know what is expected of you during that shift.


I want to do my part at the sale!

Login to your Consignor Homepage below and choose a shift!

Next up... do you want your unsold items back at the end of the sale? Learn about our pick up options.